Thursday, October 27, 2011

fruit tree nursery project

I am working on a project to build a fruit tree nursery that should produce 100,000 fruit tress in one year in Haiti.  If anyone would like to help me with this project I would appreciate any help.  If you have any experience in a tree nursery or know someone interested please let me know.  My number is nine54-214-8397.  Thanks  Doug.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Importance of planting more trees in Haiti

One of Haiti's greatest problems is that majority of the island nation(10 million) cooks their meals with wood charcoal.  Haiti has less than one percent of its forest remaining.  This deforestion has caused serious ecological problem.   When tropical storm sytems hit the island during hurricane season the heavy rain produce soil erosion, crop destrution, reef degredation, and in some cases loss of human life.  Planting more trees can help in many ways to stabalize life on the island.   Fruit trees are a great idea because the Haitian people do not cut these for charcoal, and fruit trees provide food and economy to the people.